Fuel Pump
September 23, 2014: Mission complete! New fuel pump purchased and installed. Michael is man of many talents.
September 23, 2014: Mission complete! New fuel pump purchased and installed. Michael is man of many talents.
September 22, 2014: Today was Michael’s birthday. Unfortunately it wasn’t so festive. Our initial plan, before Camper Dan landed in the garage, was to have departed Calgary yesterday or today and spend Michael’s birthday in the mountains somewhere.
September 20 – 21, 2014: Over the weekend we attended our friend’s wedding, which was lovely, and started to explore Calgary.
September 15 – 19, 2014: We departed New Jersey in the late afternoon on September 15th with the knowledge that it was going to be a long next couple of days. We had to make it to Calgary, Alberta, Canada by September 20th for a wedding. We drove and drove and drove…